Infogroep CTF 2024

Join a team Make a new team

Use your university email address during registration. Signing up with your personal email address will not work!
Please have a look at our rules.

When and where?

The CTF will take place in the Nelson Mandela hall at the VUB on November 19th 2024 from 17h00 to 21h30. We will provide some snacks and drinks, but you may also order food to the venue.

Keep in mind you will need to be present at the venue to participate. Online participation is not allowed!

What is a CTF?

A Capture The Flag is a competition where different teams solve cyber security related challenges. Every challenge is worth a number of points depending on its difficulty. The goal of every challenge is to find the hidden flag. This CTF will feature different kinds of challenges, such as challenges related to cryptography, steganography, forensics, ... We aim to make this a beginner friendly CTF, so prior knowledge on cyber security should not be necessary. In order to get you on the right track, we also host an interactive workshop one week prior to the event, on the 5th of November.


Every participant needs to be part of a team. A team can contain up to four participants. You can join an existing team or create a new team. Of course, there is no problem with participating solo, but you still have to create a team.

Trouble connecting during the competition?

If you have trouble connecting to the network during the competition, please let us know ASAP and we'll fix this issue for you.

Free food? Who said free food?

You can upload your cv on this google form to enter a raffle for free food on the day of the event.

Contact us

In case you might have any questions about the CTF or Infogroep in general, contact us at


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